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Christian Retreats Network

Christian Retreats Network

Eagle Crest

Climbing Gym

The Climbing Gym is located in the silos of the historic Sears barn that we have converted into our high ropes course. It offers multiple lines and climbing paths with various degrees of difficulty. Other obstacles include The Centipede, Batman Rope, and Crate Stacking. The Climbing Gym can be scheduled by itself or in combination with other team building programs and requires a 2 hour minimum. If you are looking for a climbing experience that is little more novice, check out the Rock Climbing Wall at the Activities Center.

Contact Eagle Crest Adventures to add the climbing gym to your retreat package.

Climbing Gym

Located in the silos of the historic Sears barn Offers multiple lines and climbing paths Other activities: Centipede, Batman Rope, and Crate Stacking Various degrees of difficulty

*Lake Williamson requires every participant to turn in a completed waiver prior to the start of their Adventure Recreation. This includes high ropes course, low ropes course, zip line, and climbing gym. Below you can download a copy of the waiver to print and sign.
